Group Twist
Twist the threads of community together.
Move with us the first Sunday of every month. A collaboration between Echo Theater Company PDX and Fool's Crossing.
“Dance is for everybody. I believe that the dance came from the people and that it should always be delivered back to the people.”
-Alvin Ailey
All jams are held at 1515 SE 37th Ave.
Group Twist is a continuation of the All Abilities Dance Jam, started in October 2016 by Wobbly. The All Access Dance Jam invites movers of all backgrounds to explore, share, and connect through our unique physical languages. Particular attention is given to honor the needs of all who are present. This is a place where you are invited to take risks, whatever that means for you. At the same time, you are encouraged to participate in any way that is comfortable for you.
Jams start with an access check-in, followed by a thirty minute warm-up led by a local movement artist. After the warm-up, the space is opened for group improvisation, experimentation, and playfulness.
People of all ages, all experience levels, as well as people with disabilities, Disabled people, and non-disabled movers are invited to twist the threads of community together.
This event focalizes the self-determination, leadership, and inclusion of Disabled people, people with impairments, and people who are limited by inaccessible social barriers. People of Color, sexual and gender minorities, and all residents of this area are welcome.
Cost — $5-25 sliding scale, no one turned away for lack of funds. Other forms of compensation and support welcome. Please let us know if there are alternative ways you would like to support the dance jam by e-mailing
Bus travel — The 66 and 75 bus stops at Caesar Chavez and SE Hawthorne St, which is a four minute walk to Echo Theater Company. The 14 bus stops at 37th and Hawthorne.
Access requests — If we can develop the structure of the event to improve your access please let us know. We cannot guarantee that we can buy materials or pay professionals (though we have done both), but we will do our best to make arrangements for your full participation and inclusion. Please send inquiries to, advanced notice will help ensure that we can support you.
Scent-free — This is a scent-free event. Scent free soaps will be available in the bathroom, and Echo Theater is cleaned with scent-free products. PLEASE do not wear scented soaps, deodorants, perfumes, or use laundry detergents to support movers with chemical allergies. If you have questions about how to make your clothes scent free, please contact
Physical access — The front door does not have a step, and is a non-automatic double door. There is a single bathroom with a door wide enough for most chairs, and grab bars next to the toilet. The space is single level, and dancing happens on the stage with stage lighting. There are mats and yoga balls available.
Do you want to be involved in the jam in a capacity other than dancing? Are you interested in supporting us in other ways? We welcome musicians, organizers, visual artists, long-term arts supporters, and in-kind donations. Email us at with your ideas, offers, and suggestions.